Why your Painting Company should utilize call tracking

Published On: January 19, 2022

Categories: Design & Marketing

Why your Painting Company should utilize call tracking

Using call tracking to see how many customers are calling your Painting business phone number may seem like an obvious, if not mundane, task. But there are specific purposes for which this data might prove very valuable.

For example, when it comes to making marketing decisions that could affect the budget for your painting business in the future, it’s critical to know what’s working and what isn’t. Knowing how much time prospective customers spend on the phone will also help you determine if you should make any changes in your pricing structure or promotional packages. Finally, knowing who is calling will help build a stronger relationship with existing customers by addressing individual needs and requests more quickly.

To put it simply: call tracking can be an invaluable asset in helping your Painting Company grow.

What is call tracking?

Call tracking software allows you to see how many people are calling your painting business phone number, which in turn helps you better understand the most effective marketing strategies for your painting business. This data can be extremely valuable when analyzing trends and making future budgeting decisions.

Call tracking is an easy and inexpensive way to get a better understanding of how your painting business can improve its call volume. Call tracking software providers help you determine which marketing strategies (online or offline) are driving phone calls to your painting business, and even what keywords customers call about most often.

In addition, call tracking provides valuable data on customer call lengths, call types (e.g., order inquiries versus service calls), call frequency, call volume trends, and call sources.

1. Understand the benefits of call tracking

There is a lot of value in how call tracking lets you see your customers’ behavior and patterns. For example:

• You’ll know which marketing strategies are working and which aren’t at driving phone calls

• You can see call volume trends over time, helping you determine if your call-handling strategies are effective

Knowing how much of a customer’s call time is spent on service versus sales will help determine whether or not to change your call-handling staff or promotional package costs. This information will prove invaluable when developing call-handling strategies in the future.

2. Consider your goals for using call tracking

To make the most of call tracking software, it’s important to set specific goals based on your painting company marketing strategy and business plan.

• Do you want the data to inform your marketing efforts?

• Do you plan to use the data to help assess your sales team members?

Setting specific call-tracking goals will help ensure that call tracking is meeting its intended purpose. For example, if call tracking was implemented as a way to audit customer relationship management, painting business owners should regularly monitor call volume and call types to determine if incoming calls are being handled appropriately.

3. Implement call tracking in your Painting business strategy

In order to use a call tracking system to its greatest potential, painting business owners should fully understand the call volume and call types their painting business receives.

A call-tracking provider can use call data to determine what keywords customers call about most often, how many calls originate from mobile devices, and where your painting business is getting calls from.

Many painting business owners take advantage of Google Business Profile’s tracking system, however, this only tracks calls from mobile. Consider using a call tracking service provider like CallRail that tracks phone traffic from all sources.

4. Track calls to determine what’s working and what isn’t

After call tracking has been implemented, it’s time to dig into your tracking metrics.

It’s important to set up call-tracking software and tie it into your existing reporting system or CRM so you can analyze call trends and determine the success of your painting company marketing campaigns. Whether a potential customer is contacting you via Google Ads or from TV commercials, you’ll want to understand if they are quality leads. This is one of the great benefits of a call tracking system: you can utilize your CRM tools to understand the marketing ROI across multiple channels via phone leads.

Your call analytics typically include call length, call types, call frequency, call volume trends over time, and call sources. Most tracking systems also report on missed calls. In addition, a typical call tracking system offers call recording so painting company owners can monitor sales offers and customer call experience.

All call-tracking software should provide regular reports on call trends. painting company owners can use call data to make informed decisions about future marketing efforts and budgeting initiatives.

5. Evaluate call-tracking results

Just as call data can be used to develop call-handling strategies, it can also be used to monitor staff performance and service levels. It’s recommended that painting company owners check call type frequency, call volume trend analysis over time, average call length, the number of call transfers, call abandon rates, call sources, and call-length distributions.

Call data can be used to determine what promotions are the most successful in generating phone calls, as well as whether or not employees are meeting customer needs. For example, painting company owner should regularly monitor call volume and call types to determine if the customer experience is up to par.

6. Use data to make marketing decisions that will affect future budgets

By utilizing call tracking system performance data, you can determine the most effective call-generation strategies and marketing campaigns.

Call volume trends over time can be used as a gauge for developing call-handling strategies in the future. For example, painting company owners could monitor call volume trends over time to see if call frequency increases or decreases during different times of the year. Call volume patterns may reveal that callers call more during the holidays, for example, and staff should be prepared for increased call volumes at this time of year.

7. Build stronger relationships with customers by addressing individual needs and requests more quickly

It’s important for painting company owners to carefully assess call type, call frequency, call volume trend over time, call sources, call length distributions, and average call times in order to address customer needs more effectively. For example, call-tracking data can be used to determine if callers are asking for specific types of services, or if they’re calling with questions about products.

Tracking call sources will also help you to profile your callers and learn more about their demographics, which can help you to improve call handling in the future. For example, call data will reveal whether callers are coming from a specific geographic location or a call source such as specific ad campaigns. This information can be used to determine your target marketing audience and how you should approach their needs in the future.

Call tracking software is a simple way to monitor how many people call your painting company phone number and for what reasons. This data can be used in different ways, including determining the effectiveness of certain marketing campaigns or developing call-handling strategies in the future. If you’re considering implementing call tracking software in your painting company let us know so our team can help implement this solution! Our experts are ready and waiting to partner with you on creating an effective call management system that drives sales by leveraging customer needs efficiently through identifying their individual preferences and behaviors over time.

Brandon Pierpont

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