Guest Interview: Michal Cheney – PCA Women in Paint

Published On: September 30, 2024

Categories: Podcast

In this episode, Michal Cheney, owner of No Drip Painting, discusses the upcoming PCA Women In Paint Conference.  She will lay out what’s included, the value you’re likely to receive if you plan to attend, and her experience with other PCA Events like Women In Paint.

If you want to ask Michal questions related to anything in this podcast series, you can do so in our exclusive Painter Marketing Mastermind Podcast Forum on Facebook. Just search for “Painter Marketing Mastermind Podcast Forum” on Facebook and request to join the group, or type in the URL There you can ask Michal questions directly by tagging her with your question, so you can see how anything discussed here applies to your particular painting company.

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Welcome to the Painter Marketing Mastermind Podcast, the show created to help painting company owners build a thriving painting business that does well over 103 million in annual revenue. I’m your host, Brandon Pierpont, founder of Painter Marketing Pros and creator of the popular PCA Educational Series to grow marketing for painters. In each episode, I’ll be sharing proven tips, strategies and processes from leading experts in the industry on how they found success in their painting business. We will be interviewing owners of the most successful painting companies in North America and learning from their experiences.

In this episode of the Painter Marketing Mastermind Podcast, Michal Cheney, owner of No Drip Painting, discusses the upcoming PCA Women in Paint Conference.

She will lay out what’s included, the value you’re likely to receive if you plan to attend and her experience with other PC A events like women in paint. If you want to ask Michael questions related to anything in this podcast series, you can do so in our exclusive Painter Mar Mastermind podcast for on Facebook. Just Search for painter marketing mastermind podcast form on Facebook and request to join the group or type in the URL facebook. com/groups/painter marketing mastermind again, that URL is facebook. com/groups/painter Marketing mastermind.

There, you can ask Michael questions directly by tagging her with your question. So you can see how anything discussed here applies to a particular painting company. Thanks for joining us by thanks for having me and thanks for your support of women in paint and all your enthusiasm you bring to it. I am very excited. I uh as you know, I snuck in last year when they, when you had it next to the commercial painting conference, I was banished and, and told, you know, I can’t go, but I found a reason to go and, uh, I, I enjoyed it a lot. Yep.

I think you were the only fellow we let in the doors. I’m just kidding. Um, but no, I’m glad that you gotta, you gotta kind of take a peek as to what was going on. Yeah, it was awesome. And it was a packed room. It was a lot of people there. How many people went to that event? Yeah, I think, uh, close to 100. Um, and, you know, we’re hoping to get more than that there this year, we’ve got an agenda that should just make anyone wanna be there.

We, we’ve got packed full of education, uh, opportunities our sponsors have really come through and you’re, you and I are gonna dig into all that, but it’s gonna be exciting and really just the, uh, the, the excitement that the PC A has around women in paint. It’s growing, we’re gaining some momentum and we really need the support of everyone. So, um you know, folks like you and, and other sponsors out there, we, we were just thrilled to have a great team. I think it was a, a long neglected and underserved um subsegment of the contractor, industry and the painting industry in particular.

Yeah, for sure. I mean, you know, thanks for saying that people like me know that, that, that this is just uh kind of the hand that we’ve, that women have been dealt in many different industries. Um But yeah, it’s great that the PC A recognizes the opportunity. I mean, there are women in this industry and, you know, speaking on just my behalf, you know, for years, I didn’t know another woman in this industry and I was just kind of out here doing my own thing and, and didn’t really see uh you know, a face that looked like mine or a story that, that resembled mine.

And thanks to the PC A and events like women in paint, I now have connections with women really all over the country and uh man, it’s super inspiring. Yeah. And I’ve been just speaking of the PC A events in general, I’ve been to quite a few of them. Uh women in paint was exceptional, but these, the Expo Expo is great, right? We both love Expo. I love Expo. It’s coming up uh here in like five months or so. I think it’s phenomenal but some of these smaller events, the more targeted, more niche events.

I almost like a more, I love it. Yeah, I think, I think the, it’s, it’s a little more intimate, right? Like the Expo is like the super bowl of painting industry events. It, you can’t not go. But then if you can, if you can target a couple of these smaller events, I mean, if you’re a woman listening to this, you have to go, you have an obligation to go. It’s so good. Yeah, that, that’s how I feel and I mean, not only an obligation to yourself, right?

I mean, you know, it’s, it’s building your own uh foundation really investing in yourself when you go to these things. But what you’re also doing is supporting other women in the industry, right? You’re, you’re part of this growth, part of this momentum that, that we need, I mean, we need people to participate in and honestly not, not just women. I mean, you’re gonna be presenting at women in paint because you’ve got all this amazing marketing and information that we need and uh you know, we need support from everyone.

But after I got back in the door this time, that’s why I’m allowed to come find a different reason each time. There you go. Um But no, I mean, if you’re a woman in this industry, you, you, you’ve got to come if, if you’re wanting to invest in yourself and invest in your business or whatever your role is in the, in the business, right? This event is not just for the business owner, it is for the ser the production manager. Anyone really in a painting business? Yeah. Are you bringing a few members from your team?

I am, I’ve got um let’s see, I’m bringing in two project managers and an estimator with me and I’m excited for them. One of my project managers is gonna be on a panel. We’re gonna have a panel and, and it’s, it’s gonna be like, uh the title is something like ask a PM anything or ask a estimate or anything. And so we’ve got this combination of some P MS and estimators in the industry and it’s just gonna be kind of AAA Q and a session uh cause I’ll tell you what tho those are, you know, just being able to connect with someone in a role that, that you need more information on or maybe it’s a role that you’re in.

That’s huge. Um You know, my project manager, Katie and I, we did a, a podcast on the Women of Paint uh channel. And then we went to the Expo and I’m telling you what, she had people scheduling appointments with her to talk to her about project management related things at the Expo just from that podcast. It’s crazy. So, uh you know, people want to ask questions so we’re gonna set the stage so that they can fire away and, and get some great information from our P MS and estimators.

I love it. Man. Panels are always good. They’re so good. You can get multiple, multiple people’s perspectives. But what, let’s kinda quickly run through the agenda. What are people going to experience? What are they likely to learn who’s speaking uh If they come to this event? Yeah. Well, I’m gonna throw out some names that we are all familiar with in the industry. We’ve got Maggie Kiper, who’s the CEO of Har Puff painting. She will be presenting. She will also actually be on a panel with myself, which will be really cool and a lot of fun for me.

Uh We’ve got Corey Leister who is the cabinet guru. She is actually going to be a hands on cabinet refinishing training. So we’re doing some hands on stuff, which is really cool and in this hands on, I know she’s gonna touch on pricing. Um Now keep in mind we are in a hotel slash resort. So I don’t think we’re gonna be busting out the sprayers and all of that, but she’s gonna do some sort of a hands on demo. Um We’ve got Roma Bio, the decorative finishes, folks.

They’re gonna come in and do a hands on training on some uh you know, uh Venetian plaster and lime wash and lime slurry. So we’re gonna get some hands on stuff there. Uh we’ve also, we mentioned it briefly, but we’ve got you coming in and you’re gonna talk to us about how to get leads, especially when we start to slow down the winter. Uh, you know, not everybody can afford, uh, you know, to pay for a big marketing budget in the middle of winter. So I know that you’re gonna give us lots of insight on how we can keep the, keep the, the wheels turning in those slower months of the year, year.

Um We’ve got Jennifer Smith from Phillips Home Improvement. She’s actually gonna be coming talking about some hr things. That’s her specialty. Um A few others. I want like a ray of sunshine when she’s talking. Exactly. So, and, and that’s one reason why we really wanted her to be involved. We’ve got um uh a woman from PPG who’s actually going to do a blueprint, uh reading session. So this is feedback that we’ve gotten, um, just reading blueprints, right? If you haven’t really formally been taught it, can, you know, you open up blueprints, you don’t even know where to start.

So we’re going to do a class on that which I’m super excited about. Um, that also kind of pairs. Well, if you want to break into the commercial sector, we’ve got, we’re gonna have some, some uh uh Maggie actually, I believe is gonna do a session on how to break in the commercial sector. Um So we’ve got a handful of different things. We’ve got some great keynote speakers. Um one of our keynote speakers, this is kind of cool. I think you might like this Brandon. But she, she’s a happiness coach.

Ok, this is what she does is she’s a happiness coach. She is a um her name is uh Tracy Klayman. Uh and she goes into Corp, you know, corporations, businesses and she, she talks about being happy and what that looks like, right? Um So what the pharmaceutical industry is supposed to be solving? Yeah, I there’s two different approaches to it. You know, we’re, we’re not gonna take that approach, we’re gonna take a different approach. Um But yeah, I mean, we’ve got, we are packed full, you can see the full agenda on the PC A website.

Uh But yeah, I mean, we’ve, we’ve got, we’ve got a lot happening here and we couldn’t be more happy with the turnout so far. That’s awesome. Yeah, if you go to PC A paint ed dot org, there’s an events drop down, go down to the events in person and virtual and you’ll be able to click on PC A women and paint conference and PC A paint Ed Um Man, you got it. That’s a lot. But let me, let me, let me tell you one other thing real quick.

I’ll tell you what our sponsors, you know, they, they make the world go round when it comes to these things. Um We’ve got one of the coolest events that I’m super excited for that Benjamin Moore is hosting. We’re gonna do a four hour evening, uh sunset boat cruise, uh food, drinks, all the things, a great opportunity for networking. Uh But that’s such a cool thing that they’ve stepped up and they’re gonna provide for us and then, you know, there’s of course gonna be other opportunities for connecting and networking.

But that’s, that sounds like it’s gonna be just great fun. Yeah, it does. Yeah. So this event is in Hollywood Beach, Florida. Uh What is it? The Margaritaville Hotel, Margaritaville. It’s at the Margaritaville Resort and I heard I’m not sure if this is true, but I heard at 30003 p.m. every day they have free margaritas. I don’t know, we’ll see if that happens. It sounds like something they should do though. Yeah, man. Doesn’t, this doesn’t sound fun at all. Um Crazy. OK. So we, one of the things that I picked up from you just going down that agenda and all the different subject matters is this really isn’t just for owners.

Uh If you’re an estimator, if you’re a project manager, heck if you’re a, a painter this, you probably take a lot away from this conference. Yeah. And I mean, I want you to think about it. So, you know, if, if you are an owner, especially if you’re kind of, I’ll say in the smaller stages of, of the game, you know, it’s likely you’re doing multiple jobs, you might still be painting, you might be running the business, you might be doing the estimating the project management, right? You might literally be doing all of all of the, um, the jobs within the business.

Uh, and then you’ve got folks that might be a little bit more established and maybe, um, you know, the owner isn’t painting anymore, maybe they are more in a leadership role and they’re, they’re trying to figure out how to actually run the business. They’ve got, they’ve got project managers, there’s gonna be things there for them too. One of the pieces of feedback we received from last year’s event, which was in that bill was that it was very centered around the business owner and uh that, you know, that was true now that we’ve uh kind of got our feet wet and we’ve, we’ve got, you know, some momentum here.

We’ve got more connections and some resources to tap into. We can make this event appealing to a wider range to, uh, you know, uh an audience that includes everybody and we’re really excited about that. Yeah. So you’ve been to quite a few other events, you’re, you’re very involved in the industry in general. What do you think? What, what are some of the things that there’s sort of the obvious thing? But, but what are the things that you think might make this event a bit different from others?

Yeah, I think when it comes to women in general and getting women and we’ve got some of the big hitters in the industry. I mean, some of these names that, that, that I have listed here. These are women who are very successful in the industry, have figured out some things that we’re all trying to figure out, uh, you know, multimillion dollar companies here, uh, and being around them and, and this is kind of what I experienced when I can see another woman doing this and being successful that tells me I can do it.

It, it gives me a reference point, it gives me a visual, it, it makes me um feel and believe like I can achieve here as well. And I think that that’s really important. I mean, I think in general we need to be able to relate to people, whether it’s by gender or uh you know, background history, whatever it is. And, you know, for years I looked across this industry and I only saw men and there’s nothing wrong with that, right? But now we’ve a lot of women who are successful and guess what they want to give the knowledge away, right?

The thing that I love about the PC A and, and you know, this, this uh you know, over the last couple of years what has really um you know, then the, the thing that has pushed the PC A along is we share our knowledge, right? We can do more uh together we don’t have to keep all this information. And so at, you know, a women and paint event, you’re gonna find women who, who have become very successful and who want to share the information and want to help.

And to me, that’s one of the most rewarding pieces of this. I mean, we’ve got great content. You know, you can take your notes, you can get all the content that you want all the education. But when you get to talk to these women and you get to hear their story and you get to relate with them, it’s, it’s a different feeling. Yeah, I’m gonna brag about you for a second if that’s OK. Yeah. So we, we’ve, you know, we’ve been working with you for some time.

Um and your in terms of pay American Pros and your success, your growth uh has been astounding, right? In terms of, of what you’re doing at your business. And I think for people listening, you’re speaking very humbly, right? And I just, I want to point this out because you’re saying we have some of the big, big hitters there, right? Maggie is a really big hitter. There are other really big hitters coming, but you didn’t acknowledge yourself until last month. August. You said you, you said we were talking a little bit before before.

Is it, is this ok? It’s kind of like my face is gonna be weird if you, if you said no, right? We’d have to edit out. It’d be like a whole thing. Um, but you said you had your biggest month ever and that you just did $325,000 in sales last month, which at that run rate, granted, there’s some seasonality and whatnot. But at that run rate would put you well, north of a $3 million company and yet you didn’t say yourself as a big hitter, you said other people.

So I think the point of that is there are people like Michael and there’s Michael coming who are doing phenomenal things who are humble, who are wanting to give back, who are wanting to help, who are almost acting like they’re not doing as well as they’re doing. Not intentionally just out of humility, but these are the people that are coming to this event, right? And then you have people who are new and early on and starting but get access to people like Michael, get access to people like um Maggie write all these other big hitters because good God, where else can you do this?

There, there aren’t a lot of industries where you can just go. Well, I’m gonna go on a four hour boat cruise that Benjamin Moore is gonna pay for and I’m gonna talk with Michael and I’m at 2100,2100 and she’s at three plus million and I’ll probably pick up a couple of things. Yeah, it’s so true. Um And man, you make you, make me sound so good. Brandon. We got to keep this up. Um, but the numbers are, the numbers you are that here’s, here’s what’s actually cool about it.

You know, the, this is only the second year for women in paint, but sometimes when things are small and they’re just getting started, that’s the best time to be involved. Right. We talked about the Expo and it’s so big and, I mean, obviously it’s, it’s wonderful. It’s an event I look forward to every year. Um But, you know, you, it’s harder to talk to people, you know, it’s harder to connect when there’s 23000 people versus, you know, maybe 24000 or 25000 and 28000. And so I actually appreciate that and that’s why I think the smaller events are, are so important because you, you’re right, you do, you get to, you get to connect with people on a different level, spend more time with folks.

Um And I’ll tell you and you know, this, anybody who goes to an event knows this, but it’s the connections afterwards. I mean, you know, jumping on zoom calls a month, two months a where the event takes place, you know, exchanging text, text messages, going, reaching out to someone for help uh because they, you know, might be able to solve a problem that you’re having. All of those things are the after effect of attending these events. Yeah. And the, the women in paint has a community already, right?

You guys have a podcast, you have someone of a community. So going to these events, the networking and keeping in touch with people is always one of the most important, if not the most important element. And it’s easier with the women in paint because that community is already built in. So you, you’d almost have to try not to keep in touch with people. Yeah. And you know what else I’ll say because I think that this is important if you’re someone who, well, honestly, if you’re like me and you hate the word networking and it kind of like makes your mind a little slimy, I’ll slide it over to you on a table if you are a little intimidated by events like this.

Um First of all, I understand that completely, but we have a group of ambassadors is what we’re calling them and their whole purpose is to be here to help make connections, right? So, you know, if you’re coming by yourself, you’re traveling out of town, you really don’t know anyone. Rest assured we’re gonna make sure that, you know, you become fast friends with, with the other ladies. Uh That’s something that we’re gonna be very intentional about because, you know, part of what we wanna do is include people.

I mean, that’s what this is about, this is about including people. And so we’re gonna kinda have some built in systems to make sure that, that happens. So how many days is this event? So it’s October 30003th through the 23000th. Ok, so the eighth is kind of your travel day. We are gonna have a little welcome reception sponsored by the PC A that evening on Tuesday the eighth. We’ve got a full day of content on Wednesday the ninth and a full day of content on Thursday the 20th and we will wrap the event up on the 25000th with that boat cruise we talked about.

Um, and then by the way on the ninth, Wednesday the ninth, we’ve also got a fun little event again, sponsored by Ben Moore. I’ll tell you what they have really stepped up to the plate this year. Uh They, they are just knocking it out of the park. They’re doing some really cool things. Um but they’re having a sip and paint, uh reception networking type thing on Wednesday and then Thursday we’ll wrap it up with the cool boat cruise. Uh But we’ve got all the big hitters in terms of our brands.

We’ve got Sher one, we’ve got beer. Uh and then A PPG and then of course, Ben More. I love it. Yeah, I see this sip and paint, reception paid attendees only. So my wife will be able to go and I will not. Is she coming? She is. Yeah, she’ll be able to go. I will not. There was a uh I think it was that PC A expo like two or three years ago, there was an event, I think it was women in paint happy hour and I was looking for her and she was there.

Uh, so I eventually found her, but it was another experience where I, I stood out slightly as I tried to, I tried to find her because I didn’t have a key to the hotel room and I could not get into our room. I mean, you’re, you’re also kind of tall, Brandon, aren’t you kind of tall? I feel like maybe that was 6 ft tall. Not a woman. There were like a variety of things that were slightly different about me. Yeah. Um, expense, right. People looking at it. Let’s talk about this.

What, what’s the cost? I, I’m, uh, I’m, I’m running a, this all sounds great. I’m running a company. Maybe we’re earlier on. I’m a little afraid about that. Let’s talk about that. So, I mean, look, uh, things, things aren’t cheap and, uh, you know, I, I, if, if you’re a member it’s 550 to get into a PC A member, it’s 550. If you’re a non-member, it’s 750 there’s travel expenses. Um, we’ve got a special rate for the resort. Uh, you know, depending on where you live, you might be buying a plane ticket and all of that.

Uh, you know, I’m not gonna act like it’s, it’s always easy to afford these things when we were talking. I told you how I I remember when I couldn’t afford my PC A membership, I mean, I could not afford the $550 that it, or the, uh, whatever the membership fee was at that time. Uh, but I took the chance and I, and I, and I did it and whenever I get faced with an opportunity, something like this for me personally, whether it’s coaching, you know, I often will have a business coach, whether it’s working with a marketing company, you know, whatever it is when you look at these expenses and they can feel a bit hefty my go to and, and I know that this is a mindset that I’ve worked on for years, but my go to for myself is that I’m gonna bet on me like I’m not doing any of this just for the hell of it.

I’ve got reasons behind, uh, this mission behind what we’re doing here and it requires me to bet on myself and sometimes that’s a financial bet. Right? And I don’t know, Brandon, you attend these, you know, you’re, you, you sponsor some of these events, you’re, you’re a sponsor for women in paint. How do you justify the expense? What, what do you, what’s the story you tell yourself when you’re looking at a, at a, at an expense that, you know, it’s, is gonna have an impact. Yeah, I mean, for me it’s, it’s an abundance mindset, right?

But it’s easy to say that it’s easy to say, abundance for scarcity. Uh There was a time when I did not have a whole lot of money, right? When starting a company. And it is scary. And I think then you, you kind of have to sit down and you have to say, ok, what’s the worst case scenario here? Right. II I take the time away from work. I spend the money. You can stay at another hotel, you can stay in nearby hotels because a lot of times even with these resorts, um, with the room block, sometimes they’ll be more expensive than a hotel, maybe a half mile away.

You could drive if you’re 8, 03 hours away, maybe you don’t fly, maybe drive. So there are ways to cut down a little bit on that stuff. Uh, but when you’re looking at, let’s sit down, do the math. How, how much money am I gonna quote, unquote, lose the opportunity costs by not running my company. How much money am I gonna invest? And so my, my all and maybe, maybe I lose $5000 7000 dollars, maybe that’s my downside. What’s my upside? What’s the goal of my business? How long, how long do I plan to run this business?

And what could potentially happen at this event? That would make me 10, 100 multiple 100 X of that. I mean, to me it’s a pretty easy call. If there’s any way you can financially afford it, don’t go homeless, don’t like, go live under a bridge because you’re at the event. But people usually can pull something together and you’re, you’re an entrepreneur, you’re a business owner. I mean, this is what you do. You, you find opportunity to take advantage of it and then you turn it into a win. Yeah. And, you know, I think sometimes at least I’ve, I’ve done this before, you know, I think, oh, my gosh, it’s so, it’s so expensive but I don’t really know what the cost is, you know?

So, like, figure out what the cost, what are we talking about? We talk about 3000 4000 $5000. What really does that look like within your business? Right. And how many projects do you need to land to make that back? Right. I mean, the average project is typically going to be at least a couple grand. So, if you actually sit down and look at it $8000 there’s a lot of money. But is it in the lifespan of your company? Exactly. And, you know, the other thing that I’ll say is, I think sometimes, especially if you’re someone that didn’t grow with money like us.

Um, you have a tendency to look at this, these dollar amounts in terms of your personal experience. Right. Like $3000. Gosh, when I was growing up, that could have probably saved us a lot of heartache if we were, if we had an extra $3000. Um, but, you know, when you’re a business owner and you recognize the opportunity and the, the power that you have and, and the money that you can actually make in your business now, sometimes that’s a hard one to swallow if you’re not actually making the money yet.

But the reason you’re doing this look, part of the reason you have a business is to make money. Yeah, I know people don’t like to talk about money but we’re not doing that. It’s not an easy thing to want to make money. It’s not. And I think, um, you know, that you and I have actually talked about this before but it comes back to your relationship with money. Now, I know we can’t dig into all of that. But if you find me at the event, I’ll be happy to talk about it because this is something that has been a big learning curve for me.

But, you know, your relationship with money and how you view money can affect your, the decision to go to women. Paint. Right. I see money as a tool. And, uh, that’s why I’m willing to spend what I’m gonna spend to bring, uh, half of my team to this event because I know it’s gonna be so valuable. So, um, you know, just to kind of put a bow on this conversation here, it’s an investment. You can choose how you look at that investment I look at it as it’s an investment myself, it’s an investment in my team.

It’s an investment in my business. Um, and to me that’s, it’s a no brainer. You, you’ve got to figure out how to do it if you want to, to grow. Yeah. And if it is a stretch, like if financially it’s uncomfortable, it’s probably more reason to go because when it, when it’s a little bit uncomfortable you tend to maximize the value of it. Like you go, you know what you put on the line, you know, that, that was a lot of money for you. You’re probably gonna be sure to try to take as many notes as, as much information as you can.

You’re gonna set an action plan for implementing some of this stuff in your company. You’re gonna network and connect with people. Uh and, and, and actually find the value. Whereas if it’s just 0 $5000 that’s nothing. I make that every day. You very well may show up and do nothing so true. Yeah, I’m right there with you on that. One of those weird psychological things we do as humans. It is. Right. Jeez. It’s complicated being a human, isn’t it? It’s uh unnecessarily complicated. Yes. But um Michael, this is awesome and I am very excited for this event.

Uh Looking forward to it. I it’s, I think it’s, it might be a little longer than last year. Definitely seems to be more going on in the way of sponsorships, uh and neat stuff like that. Is there anything else that you wanna add about women in paint before we wrap up this episode? Yeah, I think one call that I’d like to make is just kind of the overall setup. So we’re gonna have a main stage and then we’re gonna have two breakout areas and the main stage at some point will also be used as a breakout area.

So if you can envision this uh when it’s time to have our breakout sessions, you’re literally gonna have three different options. Do you wanna go check out, you know, Corey Leister and her cabinet demo or would you like to um you know, uh we’ve got a woman from uh she’s a color specialist. She’s literally we talking about the science of color. Um This is really cool. I’ll just mention this really quick. We’ve got Sharon Williams who’s donating some of their color tools. We’ve also got n uh who’s donating some of their color tools and what this wo woman does.

Her name’s Laurie. She’s a, she literally talks about the science behind color. It’s not just, oh what color goes well with navy blue, but she’s gonna really share some insight on how these tools work. And the little bit I’ve learned from her, you know, my team uses the Sherman Williams color tools when we have to color match something. I talked to her for five minutes. And she told me so many things about this color tool that I didn’t even know is possible. Um So not to, you know, get too off track, but we’ve got this, this color specialist, we’ve got these tools that are, that we’re gonna have access to, but you get to choose.

Do you, you know, do is, do you, you know, if you got a team there, how about one person goes here, one person goes here. So there’s gonna be a lot of variety. And I think that’s important. The thing that we had last year, the setup at our first uh go around at this event was we had one main stage and now we’ve really created a variety and that’s how we’re gonna really appeal, appeal to not just the business owner but others within the industry or other positions or roles within the company is because of the setup that we have.

And again, it’s at Margaritaville, uh a beautiful, beautiful resort. I’ve seen pictures, our team from the PC A Jill and Jessica who are just dynamite. They have visited this space, they have raved about it and they really feel like it’s a space that will uh let these ladies get away, kinda kinda uh you know, relax at this beautiful space and also learn a great deal about how the heck we navigate this painting industry and, and uh and all the things that come with it impressive. This is quite the event like a, like a mini hyper targeted expo in one room. Totally.

I love it, Michael. This was amazing. I always appreciate having you on the podcast. I’m glad we got an excuse to, to sync up again on this. Thank you so much for your time. Yeah. Well, thank you. And I can’t say uh enough great things about you and all your support with women in paint and I’m looking forward to seeing you there and uh hearing about how the heck we can market during the winter. Yeah. Yeah, we’ll, we’ll have some good stuff in the front row. I’ll be in the front row on that one.

That’s right. I’m looking forward to it too. Thank you, Michal.

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Hey there, painting company owners. If you enjoyed today’s episode, make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button. Give us your feedback. Let us know how we did. And also if you’re interested in taking your painting business to the next level, make sure you visit the Painter Marketing Pros website at to learn more about our services. You can also reach out to me directly by emailing me at and I can give you personalized advice on growing your painting business. Until next time, keep growing.

Brandon Pierpont

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